Why Should CBSE Class 12 Students Solve Sample Papers?

Why Should CBSE Class 12 Students Solve Sample Papers?

CBSE Class 12 exams are one of the most important exams in a student’s academic life. These exams are the gateway to undergraduate-level courses. Students need to pass the CBSE Class 12 exams with high marks to secure a seat in a course and university of their choice. So, students need to start preparing for the exams early and often revise to score higher marks.

The question that often plagues Class 12 students is, “what is the best way to prepare for the CBSE board exams?” From referring to NCERT books to solving NCERT questions and previous years’ question papers, there are several ways to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 board exams. In addition to these, solving CBSE sample papers is another great way to prepare for the board exams. These sample question papers or model papers are a replica of the actual question papers that appear in the Class 12 board exams. 

So, how does solving these sample papers help students? Isn’t studying from textbooks, NCERT books and other guides enough? And why are they necessary? If you’re asking yourself these questions, read on to learn why solving sample papers before appearing for the CBSE Class 12 exams is a must.

Benefits of Sample Papers for CBSE Class 12 Students

Solving sample question papers is one of the best ways to prepare for the board exams. Here is a list of some of the advantages of solving sample papers.

  1. Understanding the exam pattern: One of the greatest benefits of solving CBSE sample question papers is that it helps students understand the pattern of the CBSE Class 12 question paper. CBSE sample papers are designed by subject matter experts and are a representative piece of the actual CBSE Class 12 board exam question paper. These papers have the same pattern as the actual question paper that appears in the Class 12 board exam. They have the same number of questions, the same kinds of questions, marking scheme and exam duration. This helps students get an idea about the CBSE Class 12 board exam question papers.
  2. Spot frequently asked questions: Since sample papers are designed along the lines of the actual board exam question paper, they have similar questions too. Solving these model papers helps students spot frequently asked questions, important topics and their weightage. This helps students prepare better for the Class 12 board exams. 
  3. Revision: Solving model question papers is one of the best ways to revise after covering the entire syllabus. The CBSE Class 12 syllabus is vast, and revising each subject chapter-wise can be very time-consuming. Solving sample papers like the CBSE Class 12 English sample paper helps students revise the entire syllabus quickly.
  4. Improved time management skills: One of the problems students struggle with often is answering all the questions in the question paper within the allotted time. When they can’t answer the questions in the allotted time, it leads to a loss of marks. This can affect their overall performance and lead to a low score in the exams. Practising solving several sample question papers before the exams improves the students’ time management skills. It helps them learn to manage their time better and finish answering the questions within the exam duration. 
  5. Writing practice: Solving model question papers is a great way for students to get in writing practice before the exams. This improves their speed and accuracy and helps them score better marks on the board exams. Solving sample papers and timing themselves also act as mock exams. This gives students the opportunity to experience writing the board exams before the actual exams. This hones their writing and problem-solving skills and improves their performance.
  6. Self-assessment: Just studying from the textbooks before the board exams is not enough. Students need to assess their level of preparation before they appear for the exams. Solving CBSE sample question papers helps students understand their level of preparedness and also helps them spot any gaps in their learning. This helps them understand their strengths and weaknesses and ramp up their preparation to overcome these weaknesses. 
  7. Boosts confidence: Better performance comes only with constant practice and good preparation. Solving sample papers gives students the opportunity to practice writing the CBSE Class 12 board exams. This boosts their confidence and helps them face the exams without any anxiety. And constant practice improves their level of preparedness and boosts their performance too.


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